I've entitled my teachings/mentoring on The Journey of Emotional Healing... "Illumination".
This teaching is for individuals who currently are living or who in the past have lived/survived in a toxic/abusive environment/relationship. This teaching/mentoring is particularly for you if you have experienced a person who has a narcissistic personality in your life, whether it be in your personal or business life.
This training addresses questions, (that most likely if you are on the receivership side (currently a victim or in a victim-state subconscious mindset from narcissistic abuse and just haven't totally realize it yet) that you've probably already been asking yourself, such as:
Q: Am I crazy or are they?
Q: Am I too sensitive?
Q: Is it normal to live in fear?
Q: Am I stupid?
Q: Will he/she change one day and everything then be ok?
Q: But, they treat me nicely sometimes so they must really love me... right?
Q: How could it be possible to change my life from what it is now?
Q: I just somehow need to make it through this for my children.. right?
Q: What is a narcissist?
Q: What is narcissistic abuse?
Q: Could it really be possible that I'm being abused? Surely that's not what this is. There must be some other explanation.
or if you're thinking somewhere along the lines of... "I'm too old or it's too late to change my life now" or "No one can know or will believe me about what my world really looks like behind closed doors".
In addition to being able to learn the answers to the above questions, the Illumination teachings and mentoring actually walk you through the journey of healing from narcissistic abuse. This training is also greatly beneficial for those who have experienced a difficult or toxic environment during their childhood.
A note from Kathleen's heart...
"I've learned through my own personal journey of finding and rescuing "me" and healing myself, that for emotional healing to transpire 'Connecting-The-Dots' to all the loose pieces that never have seemed to quite add up, is a vital part of the journey to Illumination! To finally be able to 'connect-the-dots' is a vital part to re-claiming "You" and to start living a life without being confused and paralyzed from fear. To actually become empowered and free.
This journey may seem impossible to you right now, however, I assure you that it is not impossible!
I know, because I'm here typing this to help others make that journey to freedom and happiness, just as I made it!
Please have HOPE... after all, you have arrived here and are reading this for a reason... there truly are no such things as coincidences!
My "Illumination" teachings, as well as my mentoring provides significant insight into vast depths and multiple areas that must be addressed during one's journey of emotional healing.
These areas, where "Dots-are-not-yet-connected" are absolutely vital to understand in order to gain answers to questions that you most likely have if you've ever had a person with a narcissistic personality in your life. Among some of the other many questions that can make someone feel as if 'they're crazy' are:
Q: How did my relationship/marriage become this?
Q: What happened to me and to my life?
Q: Why do I allow myself to be treated this way?
Q: Why do I seem to always draw toxic/abusive people/ relationships to myself?
Q: What's wrong with me, I shouldn't feel this bad?
Q: Am I crazy or are they?
Q: When did I become lost in my own life?
Q: Why do I keep repeating the same thing over and over?
Q: I feel fear, and I feel like I'm walking on egg-shells.... what's wrong and what can I do?
Q: I feel paralyzed in my own life, is there an answer?
Everything I share with you in this training and in my mentoring comes from a place of absolute heart-felt understanding. My understanding on this matter is not only 'booked-learned'... but more importantly, it comes from a place of significant personal experience.
It is my personal believe this is a subject-matter that if someone has not actually walked-in-another's shoes at some point in time of their life... that it is near next impossible to truly understand, let alone 'feel' what being a target of narcissistic abuse is like. I also believe that unless you have personally walked in these shoes you cannot fully comprehend the significant negative 'spiral-effect' it can have on your life. In understanding this journey, I also know that unless you've walked in these shoes you cannot fully understand what is needed and what it feels like at all stages of the 'twists and turns' along the journey of reclaiming 'YOU' and healing.
I have personally walked all aspects of this journey, including the path of healing from severe narcissistic abuse. In saying this, I very much believe that I can help you with your journey when you are ready to reclaim 'YOU'!
In great respect, understanding and love.