Good Health is no coincidence!
“You can trace every ailment, every sickness and every disease to a vitamin and mineral deficiency.” Dr. Linus Pauling, renowned scientist and two-time Nobel Prize Winner.
The Wellness LifeStylist platform provides you with Health and Wellness information about whole-food plant based nutritional supplementation vs. synthetic vitamins... and much more!
Whole-Food derived vs Synthetic... Understanding What is What?
It is vital to your health, actually to your life, that you know the TRUTH about what you're putting into your body, and/or giving to your children. This is why we have provided you with the important information relating to nutritional supplementation (and much more) on this Health and Wellness platform.
Natural Whole-Food Vitamins verses Synthetic Vitamins... You decide, let's take a look. To access "Vitamin Comparison Chart", (click below).
Select from the alphabetical list below the specific health topic(s) you would like to learn more about, and the Essential oils that have shown to assist the body.
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