Thank you for visiting my Teaching's overview...
In short, I've spent a lifetime working in the field of health, wellness and healing. My teachings, whether via 'Retreats, Private 1-on-1, on-line courses or speaking engagements address... Health, nutrition, environment, awareness, understanding, healing & inner peace; and provide the essential understanding of the body, mind, spirit connection.
The deeper interpretation of the above is... I explain in my teachings/mentoring how our emotional health and well-being is directly related to our physical health and well-being. Flourishing in our physical body and having vibrant health is much more complex than simply having a so-called perfect diet and/or exercise routine!
I am grateful and feel blessed that for more than 38 years I have been called to be instrumental in helping thousands of people in the U.S.A., Europe and Latin America. These individuals include, but are not limited to, those who have struggled with health challenges and weight issues for years of their lives; those who desire to understand at greater depth how to achieve and maintain their health, and those who at some level have not yet found inner-peace.
All of my teachings are grounded in strong heath and well-being principles. I strive throughout my teachings/mentoring to share the greater understanding of the immense depth to the undeniable connection of body, mind and spirit... and how that 'connect' or 'dis-connect' generates either 'Health' or 'Cellular malfunction', a.k.a. 'disease'.
My teachings/mentoring provides depth of insight and clarity, helping those who I mentor find answers to the unanswered 'whys', that we as human-beings have in regards to ourselves, our relationships and our lives.
My mentoring/ courses deliver understanding and answers at the foundational (root) level, including, but not limited to the following questions:
1) Why would an individual experience difficulty in positively and productively moving forward in their life? (Particularly if after being wounded through the actions of having someone with a Narcissistic Personality in their life presently or in the past; or if the person had a toxic or dis-functional childhood environment).
2) What is the cause of 'compulsive chatter' in the mind? Why it's there and how can it be quieted?
3) What causes suffering? Why it's there and how can you find inner peace and guidance?
4) How do to turn your life around and find balance if you desire to?
5) How do you experience greater joy and fulfillment in your life? (Both of which are necessary in order to bring about authentic healing, health, peace, happiness, and true empowerment).
Through my teachings/mentoring, I explain the collective and trapped energy mechanisms, (which eventually lead to disease) that materialize within us through the process of life. i.e. conditioned-self, mind-chatter, and pain body. These 'trapped energies' unbeknownst to ourself, instead of guiding and protecting us on a lighted path, in actuality lead us into prolonged suffering and repetitive toxic cycles for years of our precious life.
This is the nature of what trapped energies cause, and for authentic healing to transpire this dynamic MUST be addressed, understood and released at the 'root' level.
If we choose to truly be and feel authentic... free from the invisible chains and the bound-up stagnate energy that constricts us causing incoherence, then it is essential we understand the why and how these mechanisms lead us down rabbit-holes again and again. Causing us to experience a life that doesn't feel like it's even our own, and definitely not looking like what we have dreamt that our life would look like.
To be able to understand the mechanisms (the roots) of what is causing something within us and in our external world to be how it is, we must first have 'the light' of awareness/consciousness shine on it. This process of awareness/consciousness is necessary in order for our true-being to emerge and to begin the journey of authentic healing and restored health.
My teachings/mentoring provide guidance. Guidance that allows for ending the repetitive cycle of having a 'run-away' life or a life that an individual 'feels trapped' in. My teachings reveal why this cycle, the negative emotions and health problems exist, and then allow for discovery of what is needed in order to heal the 'something-is-missing' feeling, deep inside us and in our lives.
The core of my teachings/mentoring lies in:
• Awakening/expansion of consciousness
• Understanding what causes the disruption of consciousness
• Understanding how the body holds trauma - personal and collective
• How to listen to your body
• How to release trapped energy daily and why doing so is a vital factor in achieving inner peace and the successful integration of body, mind and spirit.
My transformational teachings/ mentoring are for every individual who is intuitively being called to gain a higher understanding of themselves... their health, life, relationships, true-being, and their journey in life.
I am here to help you if the time has come in your life that you know deep in your heart... in your spirit, that the time has arrived for you to now 'shift', and no longer be defined by your past.
Always, in peace, grace and gratitude...
• Cellular Malfunction (a.k.a. 'disease') and The the vital Importance Proper pH.
Understanding that all 'disease' is actually 'Cellular Malfunction'; and it is not until we Detoxify properly, Renew and Restore our body... that we can have good vibrant health, on-going.
Understanding the vital importance of our body's pH balance and how having it is necessary in order to have and maintain good health.
ANALOGY: (Vitally important to understand if you genuinely care about having and maintaining good health.)
'Covering up' or 'cutting the wire' of the 'check engine light' on a car doesn't fix a 'low oil' situation. Just drugging the body, cutting or burning something in it... is like 'covering up' a car's check engine light.
Understanding that until we actually 'look under the hood of the car' and 'provide the proper oil it needs'... the 'check engine light' will continue to be there; and if we continue to drive the car without addressing the "real" problem (the car having no oil); i.e (the body's 'cellular malfunction')... then sooner or later... the car's engine is going to burn up! The writing is already on the wall.
What is called 'disease' is not a mystery... you simply need to understand the above analogy and then act accordingly.
Please be wise... The is no better time than NOW to learn what 'actually' creates what is called 'disease'; and of equal importance, learn how to Restore and maintain health!
• The Journey of Healing - Body, Mind, Spirit
(Regaining... Hope, Faith, Inspiration, Courage, Consciousness, Your Health and Your Life.)
• Health, Nutrition & Information Platform - Subject matters include, but are not limited to: Immune System, Healthy Eating, Creating a Healthy Environment, Natural Weight loss, Digestion, Gut Health, Body Pain, Natural Energy enhancement, Heart, Respiratory, Blood Sugar, Allergies - (i.e. Gluten intolerance), Nutrition and proper supplementation.
• Healthy Weight (needed loss or gain) & Balance - Restoring health & working and eating WITH instead of against your unique Body Type.
• The Importance of Enzymes - A vital and 'missing link' in nutrition.
• Whole-Food Plant Based vs Toxic Synthetic Nutritional Supplementation - Understanding the difference... One heals, one harms.
• Understanding Your Body Type - Working with your body instead of against it.
• Narcissistic Abuse Awareness & Victim Healing - Particularly important if you are an Empath of any nature.
• Boundaries - What they are and what they aren't, Respect & violation, How to create and hold healthy self-boundaries.
• Transcending Restrictive Barriers - i.e. fear, unconsciousness/ 'mask-state' and other mechanisms that hold people back from living in their 'True-being' and realizing their Higher purpose.
• Knowing If You're an Empath and What That Means - Understanding why Narcissists (Energy Vampires) are drawn to Empaths. This is a MUST course if you have a history of drawing toxic narcissists to you!
• Electric Magnetic Fields,( EMF's) - They're everywhere. How can they affect you?
• The Impact of a Forgiving Heart, Letting-go of what no longer serves you, Living in the 'Now', Kindness, Understanding & Patience... yet Understanding Healthy Anger
• Environmental Issues - (The importance of having a non-toxic Environment... Home & work); Clean Oceans & Rivers and Air; Deforestation Awareness).
• Human Trafficking Awareness & Victim Healing - (No one is immune! Know the facts so you can protect yourself and loved ones)
• Bullying Awareness & Victim Healing - (In personal & business life)
• Humanitarian Issues
• The Development of Women Entrepreneurs
Kathleen S. McGowan, Contributing Author
#1 New York Times Best-Seller Author Jack Canfield.
Kathleen S. McGowan, Contributing Author
#1 New York Times Best-Seller Timothy Ferriss.