I've entitled my teachings on The Journey to "True-Being"... "Metamorphosis".
The "Metamorphosis" teachings are for those who feel a deep inner calling guiding them. Guiding them with an innate knowledge that 'Now'' is the time to journey deeper inside themselves to gain greater understanding and clarity about who they are and who they are not. To gain deeper understanding about their life journey and their higher purpose.
This teaching is for those that have come to the point in their life journey where they genuinely desire to gain insight into the root cause behind 'unrest' within them. It is for those who want to journey down the path that's necessary to heal their body, mind and spirit in order to gain freedom from suffering so they can live empowered and joy-filled lives.
My "Metamorphosis" teachings and mentoring provide significant in-depth insight into the areas that are necessary to be addressed in order for an individual to reclaim who they truly are; these areas include, but are not limited to:
• Understanding why 'and how your story' was created... and that it does not, and should not define you
• Understanding what your 'Inner-child is' and what your (probably unbeknownst to you)...'Mask' is
• How to release 'energetic blocks
• Transcending restrictive barriers that fear is holding us captive in
• Understanding the 'trauma vortex' and the associated response systems and filters that are created, and more importantly, how we can release them
All of these and more are necessary in order to "Find our True-Being".
Everything I share with you in this training and in my mentoring comes from a place of deep understanding of these above stated areas, not only from a 'booked-learned' standpoint... but more importantly, it comes from a place of significant personal experience.
It is my personal belief this is a subject-matter, that if someone has not come into a higher level of consciousness and has walked this Journey of "Finding True-Being" themself.... that it would be impossible to teach or mentor another person in doing so. Although the journey of 'Finding-my own True-being' has been difficult, I am grateful for what I have learned. I'm grateful because having this experience and knowledge allows me to be instrumental in helping others heal and become empowered in their own True-being. It provides me with the insight to help you in the healing your inner child.
In saying this, I wish to share with you that I've walked the countless aspects that are necessary to walk, on the journey of "Finding My True-Being". I have traveled the path of doing the difficult, but yet vital work of going deep within and "re-claiming" my Inner-Child... the precious child that was left behind, hiding to protect herself, and who stayed buried deep within and too afraid to come out and live.
I've experienced first-hand what happens in our life when our Inner-Child is left behind, this happening when experiencing trauma at a young age. I understand what the naivety is like, going through life having our "Child-Within" stuck at the age of initial trauma; and I profoundly understand the situations that naivety gets us into, when our "Child-Within/our "True-Being, is buried.
One of the many dynamics that happens when having our "Child Within/True-Self" hidden away is the endless 'repeating cycle of events' that the "entity" operating our "adult-body (our 'False-self) experiences. I understand what it is to pay over and over again the steep price and heavy consequences for decades of our life, because we 'split' from our "True-Being" at the time of initial trauma.
I also personally understand what it is like to be so badly broken, that your "inner-light" is just a fraction away from completely being burned-out, and you feel that there is no hope left for your life to be any different. This all stemming from years of allowing yourself to be treated in a manner, that should not be.
I have walked the journey of healing my body, my mind and my spirit. I'm not going to sugar-coat it, this is a difficult journey to travel. However, the consequences of not traveling it and never re-claiming your "TRUE-BEING", I believe are far more painful and ultimately a greater price is paid for not "Stepping Into Your True-being'.
I very much believe that I can help you with your journey when you are ready to reclaim 'YOU' by "Stepping Into Your innate True-Being".
In great respect, understanding and love.